ERP selection criteria Dont forget ‘Fit’

Selecting an ERP system
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
ERP selection criteria  Dont forget ‘Fit’

Following on from our recent blog: Why Usability is a key factor in ERP selection, we take a look at why software fit is equally important as usability when it comes to putting together your ERP selection criteria. With the availability and range of ERP systems at an all time high, selecting an appropriate ERP system for your organisation can be challenging. We’ve already given you some must-ask questions to determine whether software ticks the usability box, now here’s how to make sure your ERP choice is also the right fit for your business.


What is Fit?

When we refer to fit, we’re really talking about whether the functionality of your preferred ERP selection is specific to the industry you operate in. For example, we’ve been writing our software for engineering and manufacturing companies since E-Max was formed in 1997. Our software is designed for companies that manufacture, engineer, fabricate or assemble products; companies that make to order or make to stock.  We have worked hand in hand with engineers from day one to understand their processes, their specific needs and quirks that aren’t found in any other industry. Our MD and other members of our team are engineers. That’s why E-Max software is full of features like BOMs, routes, traceability, quality control checks, amongst other things.

In short, if you are an engineering or manufacturing SME, our software is perfect for you. We’ll meet (and surpass) all your ERP requirements because we understand what you need to become more efficient, grow your business and resolve the issues that are holding you back. And if E-Max ERP needs to be tailored slightly to exactly match your processes (see usability and engagement), we know what and why it needs to be done – because we know engineering and manufacturing!

This may sound like a serious case of self-promotion but we’re using this as an example to show how important fit is. To get the most out of an ERP system, it needs to work with your processes and offer the functionality to make these processes more efficient.

Many ERP systems (and software in general) are generic across industries. This can have two outcomes – firstly, that employees are forced to adopt specific workflows and processes that conform to the software or secondly, that significant customisation becomes a necessity, leading to protracted implementation timescales. In the first case, employees’ resistance to change and usability issues can derail a new ERP system before it can be properly implemented, whilst drawn-out implementation timescales with a heavily customised product can be an issue. Finding an ERP solution that closely matches your existing processes with the functionality you need offers a much higher chance of a successful result, as well as offering multiple additional benefits. Too many businesses forget or don’t consider fit when drawing up their ERP selection criteria – this can be a very costly oversight.


How to find out if an ERP system is the right fit for your business?

Understanding your potential ERP provider’s background is important. Some key questions to ask include:

  • Have they worked with clients in your industry before?
  • Can they provide case studies or, better still, onsite visits to companies like yours who are already using the system?
  • What industry specific functionality (if any) does the system have?
  • Can the system handle the complexities of your business and processes or will you have to adapt to suit their processes?
  • Do they understand what information you need reports for and why?

The answers to these will give you a much greater understanding as to whether the software and vendor are the right fit for your business.


Usability and fit – don’t have one without the other

Usability and fit need to go hand in hand when it comes to ERP selection. Having an ERP that looks great, is easy to use and is efficient won’t give maximum benefit if it doesn’t offer the features relevant to your industry. On the flip side, having an ERP system that has all the sector specific functionality that you could ask for but is so complex and slow that employees won’t use it is also a recipe for disaster. Adding both usability and fit to your ERP selection criteria and ensuring that your final choice meets all of the above requirements is a good way of confirming you are making the right decision.

If you’d like to find out more about our manufacturing ERP system, E-Max ERP, and whether it’s the right system for your organisation, then please contact us on 0141 644 4424drop us an email or take a look at our website. You can also arrange a free demo with us to see E-Max ERP in action.

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