Sales and Customer Management

Building and maintaining strong customer relationships is essential for the growth and development of any business. E-Max ERP's CRM functionality includes a powerful set of tools designed to elevate your customer relationships to a whole new level.

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Contact and Account Management

Keep all your customer information organised and accessible in one place. Capture details, track interactions, and maintain a comprehensive view of your customer base for targeted marketing and personalised service.

Lead and Opportunity Management

Our CRM module enables you to efficiently manage your leads, track opportunities, and convert these into sales. Streamline your lead nurturing process and increase conversion rates.

Sales Forecasting and Reporting

Accurately predict any future sales, analyse performance, and make informed business decisions with our powerful forecasting and reporting tools. Stay on top of your sales targets and drive growth.

Sales Workflow Automation

Automate repetitive tasks such as lead allocation and follow-ups, so your sales team can focus on building relationships and closing deals. From email notifications to task assignments, our CRM module allows you to streamline your workflows for increased efficiency, saving you time and eliminating manual errors.

Quick Quotes

Generate quick quotes for prospective or existing customers. Include images and descriptions in a clear easy to read format and send electronically in just a few clicks. Leverage the data within E-Max ERP to provide fast, accurate and efficient responses to RFQs and win more business.

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Pricelists, Special Offers and Discounts

Keep all your customer offers in one location so your sales team can easily access and apply accurate pricing details, ensuring consistent and transparent communication with customers. Use these to tailor promotions, foster customer loyalty and drive revenue growth. 

Sales Order Entry

Convert quotes to sales orders in a single click, removing the need for double entry and potential manual errors. 

Upsell and Cross-sell

By capturing and analysing customer data, such as past purchases, preferences, and project requirements, your sales team can identify upsell and cross-sell opportunities and develop targeted recommendations, customisation options, and value-added services, resulting in increased sales and customer satisfaction.

Delivery Schedules

Manage Delivery Schedules from your customers for Blanket Orders or Call-offs, including forecast dates and quantities. 

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