ERP – when ‘Part Is King..’

Now more than ever it is important to have the right system for your business. The question is, with so many great solutions in existence – and different ways that solutions can be delivered – how can companies make an informed decision EFFICIENTLY? Efficiently.

For some companies the structure of their business means that they are driven by the ‘money’ and the way that is managed – of course we have all heard that CASH IS KING. However, what can you do if your business model requires the clever management of parts and materials to generate wealth and profit?

Growing UK engineering and manufacturing companies, we have found, are looking for systems that are focused on working ‘with’ the manufacturing element of their business – what we are being told is that ERP solutions that have a bias towards managing the finance of their workload do not provide the in depth specialist functionality required to manage a modern AGILE workplace.

E-Max ERP has been developed with engineering and manufacturing as its primary focus. The clever way that we achieve results for businesses that want to master the manufacturing and financial elements of their organisations is to allow them to continue to run their accounting and money management software, while implementing a best in class PART management software.

By focusing on the handling of engineering parts and materials, E-Max Systems efficiently takes care of all of the information from the point of enquiry all the way to the production of finished goods invoice and collation of final documentation.

Because E-Max typically work with engineering companies in the UK, our system has been developed with best practice in mind – this means all of the critical functionality that is required to efficiently manage the aspects of a busy manufacturing facility, including NCR’s and calibrated equipment tracking and maintenance.

In order to ensure that the financial management of the business is mastered, E-Max Systems link directly with modern accounting software. This also ensures that there is minimum upset to a company when improving the management of parts and materials.

For more information on what E-Max can do for your company, call us on 0141 644 4424, drop us an email or book a free demo of our ERP software.